Monday Jan 15, 2024
Immediate smoking cessation support during lung cancer screening, with Parris Williams
Lung cancer screening in the UK has only been introduced in recent years, and its processes around smoking cessation guidance may have opportunities for improvement. Visiting the studio today is PhD student Parris Williams (1), to discuss the newly published Thorax research paper, "Immediate smoking cessation support during lung cancer screening: long-term outcomes from two randomised controlled trials" (https://thorax.bmj.com/content/early/2023/10/24/thorax-2023-220367). Along with social media editor Dr. Kate Diomede, Parris discusses what has been learnt from QuLIT (Quit smoking Lung health Intervention Trial) 1 & 2, and how patients might benefit from greater integration of smoking cessation support during targeted lung health checks.
(1) National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK
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