Tuesday Nov 01, 2022

The Thorax Podcast is back! Meet the new Editors

Welcome back to the Thorax Podcast, home to the discussion of new research and hot topics in respiratory research and clinical practice. In this first episode, we introduce you to the three new Editors of the Thorax journal: Dr. Mark Griffiths and Dr. Jennifer Quint, both from Imperial College London, and Dr. Cecilia O'Kane, from Queen's University Belfast. They outline plans for the Thorax journal, including the social media strategy and engaging readers and trainees. You'll also get to know a bit more about the two new social media editors of the journal, Dr. Puja Mehta, from University College London and Dr. Kate Diomede from Imperial College London, whose voices you'll get very familiar with over the coming months, as they are our two new podcast hosts. Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - @Thorax.BMJ · Pulmonologist) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month.

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