Thorax Podcast

The Thorax podcast offers the latest insights in respiratory medicine. Each episode features in-depth interviews with renowned authors and leading experts in the field, delving into the latest respiratory research and treatments. Thorax, an esteemed international journal from the BMJ Group and the British Thoracic Society (BTS), is dedicated to publishing research and reviews in respiratory medicine to improve clinical practice. Stay ahead in your field by tuning into our expert discussions and accessing cutting-edge content. Elevate your understanding of respiratory medicine with Thorax - - and its podcast.

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Monday Jan 15, 2024

Lung cancer screening in the UK has only been introduced in recent years, and its processes around smoking cessation guidance may have opportunities for improvement. Visiting the studio today is PhD student Parris Williams (1), to discuss the newly published Thorax research paper, "Immediate smoking cessation support during lung cancer screening: long-term outcomes from two randomised controlled trials" ( Along with social media editor Dr. Kate Diomede, Parris discusses what has been learnt from QuLIT (Quit smoking Lung health Intervention Trial) 1 & 2, and how patients might benefit from greater integration of smoking cessation support during targeted lung health checks.
(1) National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK
Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - Thorax.BMJ) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month. We would love to hear your thoughts on the podcast, you can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Friday Nov 24, 2023

Head and neck consultant Dr. Tobias Todsen (1) joins the podcast from Copenhagen to speak with social media editor Dr. Kate Diomede. The topic of conversation is the recent paper, "Higher SARS-CoV-2 detection of oropharyngeal compared with nasopharyngeal or saliva specimen for molecular testing: a multicentre randomised comparative accuracy study" ( They discuss the sensitivity of different test combinations, cultural inclinations for certain kinds of testing, and the cost implications of each approach.
(1) Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and Audiology, Rigshospitalet – Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - Thorax.BMJ) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month. We would love to hear your thoughts on the podcast, you can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Friday Oct 20, 2023

In a conversation touching on diet, fat distribution, and inflammatory pathways, Dr. Hayley Scott (1) speaks with host Dr. Kate Diomede about the recent paper, “Effect of obesity on airway and systemic inflammation in adults with asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis".
Read the article here: 
(1) School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - Thorax.BMJ) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month. We would love to hear your thoughts on the podcast, you can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023

Dr. Wei Shen Lim (1) joins Thorax's podcast host and social media editor Dr. Kate Diomede to talk over the recent research paper, “Readmission following hospital admission for community-acquired pneumonia in England”.
Read the article here:
(1) Department of Respiratory Medicine, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK
Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - Thorax.BMJ) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month. We would love to hear your thoughts on the podcast, you can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Thursday Aug 17, 2023

Dr. Kate Diomede, podcast host and Thorax social media editor, is joined by Dr. Elizabeth Smith (1) to discuss a study on the longterm respiratory outcomes for survivors of very preterm birth, titled "Risk factors for poorer respiratory outcomes in adolescents and young adults born preterm."
Read the article here: 
Find more info on the team's work at:
(1) Wal-Yan Respiratory Research Centre, Telethon Kids Institute, Perth, Australia
Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - Thorax.BMJ) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month. We would love to hear your thoughts on the podcast, you can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023

Dr. Kate Diomede, podcast host and Thorax social media editor, is joined by Prof. Najib Rahman (1) and Prof. Nick Maskell (2) to discuss the July 2023 update of the British Thoracic Society's guideline for treatment of pleural disease. This document was last updated in 2010, and now accounts for the high quality data provided by more recent trials, as well as modern practices informed by those.
Read the guideline here:
(1) Oxford Respiratory Trials Unit, Oxford University, UK
(2) Academic Respiratory Unit, Bristol University, UK
Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - Thorax.BMJ) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month. We would love to hear your thoughts on the podcast, you can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Friday Jun 16, 2023

Dr. Kate Diomede, social media editor at Thorax, is joined by Dr. Sam Janes (1) to discuss the history of lung cancer screening, and its use in early detection. They also examine the process and results of his recent paper, "Growing small solid nodules in lung cancer screening: safety and efficacy of a 200 mm3 minimum size threshold for multidisciplinary team referral". The paper is available online:
(1) Lungs for Living Research Centre, UCL Respiratory, University College London, UK.
Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - @Thorax.BMJ · Pulmonologist) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month.

Friday Jun 02, 2023

Dr. Kate Diomede, social media editor at Thorax, is joined by Dr. Yasmin Thanavala (1) to discuss her group's recent research paper, "Not all vaping is the same: differential pulmonary effects of vaping cannabidiol versus nicotine". Their study used a using a mouse model of vaping and in vitro experiments with human cells. The paper is available online:
Hear the previous discussion with Prof. Nick Hopkinson on policy relating to vaping and smoking:
(1) Prof. Oncology, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, New York, USA.
Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - @Thorax.BMJ · Pulmonologist) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month.

Monday Apr 17, 2023

Dr. Kate Diomede, social media editor at Thorax, is joined by Prof. Nick Hopkinson(1) to delve into the history of smoking policy in the UK, as well as detailing the lay of the land in current smoking-cessation practices, especially pertaining to vaping. Hear the previous discussion with Prof. Andrew Bush on recent developments in paediatric therapy: (1) Prof. of Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College London, Respiratory Consultant, Royal Brompton Hospital, Associate Editor of Thorax, Chair of ASH (Action on Smoking in Health) UK Charity Relevant papers and references:
Millennium cohort – child smoking uptake related to parents and peers smoking
Confirming the impact of standardised packaging 
Effectiveness of ban on smoking in cars with children 
Smoking and increased risk from COVID
Javed Khan’s independent report commissioned by UK Govt: Making Smoking Obsolete
Cochrane systematic review suggests vaping is more effective for smoking cessation than NRT
Recent evidence update on risk of vaping for OHID concludes, “vaping poses only a small fraction of the risks of smoking.”
NICE guidance on nicotine vapes to help smokers quit
British Thoracic Society guidance on tobacco harm reduction
National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training
Cigarette Smoking: An Assessment of Tobacco's Global Environmental Footprint Across Its Entire Supply Chain
ASH: Use of e-cigarettes (vapes) among young people in Great Britain
Competing interests: None declared.
Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - @Thorax.BMJ · Pulmonologist) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month.

Friday Mar 10, 2023

In this episode Dr. Kate Diomede, social media editor at Thorax, speaks with Prof. Andrew Bush(1) about the state of paediatric treatment for thoracic issues, including discussion of cystic fibrosis and asthma.
Hear the previous discussion with Prof. Ian Hall on the future of respiratory medicine:
(1) Consultant paediatric chest physician at Royal Brompton Hospital;
Professor of paediatric respirology, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London.
Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - @Thorax.BMJ · Pulmonologist) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month.
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The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

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